The Charro national championship is an annual event and Charro's from all over the country come to compete. The final day of the 3rd National Charro Tournament took place on February 2nd at Arena Vallarta, El Colorado in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
It is very colorful and nice to watch. The Mexican national sport called “Charreria” featured women Charras. They ride sidesaddle and do some choreographed moves on their horses. They are all dressed in colorful dresses with the special sombrero that all charros wear.
Article and pictures by Puerto Vallarta Realtor Ron Sitarski.
Ron Sitarski, Realtor
Ron Morgan Properties, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
Cell USA: (954) 868-6386
Cell USA: (954) 918-3870 (Spanish/EspaƱol)
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